SETH Tues Speech Therapy in a.m.
BSA Troop has Court of Honor and Advancement Ceremonies.
Wed: Impromptu Orthodontist Appt Due to Bracket Broken off of a Tooth - OT will be here in Eve, Behavioral Therapy may also be here ?!?! Not sure he has gotten my messages as he has been on vacation.)
FAITH : Tues is a Dr Appt
Wed she gets her braces the rest of the way (Her Mom taking her, I get to deal with Seth's ortho appts shortly there after)
SETH out for counseling 1st per.
Alex - Cheer Game
So, We are sorta Settling into a "Routine." But this routine is not like the typical households morning and evening routine. Most families get the honor of seeing their children a touch more... and maybe even getting them to do a Chore or two before bed....
Well, in this house, I am lucky if Mondays and Fridays (and a fraction of the weekends) I get to see them, let alone get them to do a chore!
Now I have to say the above schedule is for 3 of the 4 children. Amber, my youngest isn't at the same school as the 3 Older Kids.... My 3 older kids go to a Charter School. -- A Charter School is a School that is still paid for by the State's Funds, is still a "Public School" but the ask the State if they can teach under "These goals" instead of mass education of students in a neighborhood Public School. They all have the same "Core standards" that any other school has... They have the same Standardized testing that every other school has... and also have to receive a grade from the State just like every neighborhood school around the Nation (USA). Actually, Our Charter School actually Tests our kids more~ but they have a goal in mind when they do ~ they actually use it for in classroom use to make sure the kids are learning and progressing properly. IF they feel they are not, the principle and staff go over with the Teacher and then the student to see where the progress can be made. This School has very little homework... It is mainly done in class unless for some reason you are totally dallying that day... and then you bring home homework from not completed classwork. Once in a while in my Son's planner I see "Bring an article to class" or "remember your reading book" But most the time I just see: "No Homework".
Anyhow, my day goes something like this: 6:15a UP and pulling kid out of bed to go to school.... (Remember it is just the boy child... I only have the honor of 1/2 parenting the other 3).... "Threats of seeing my 12 yr old boy naked... and ice cubes to get the child dressed quickly this morning! But this mean mommy would follow through!" Was my Facebook Status today.... YEP I am mean enough to follow through, and if I don't Dan will! By 6:45 Dan and Seth are out the door to get the 2 girls... Remember the 4th child is also at Mom's house, and is soon to be walking to school.
Our Charter School feeds the kids Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner!! Yep you read right all 3 meals. Also they make a modified meal for Seth - my Wheat Allergy Child. He is not allergic to Gluten, he is just allergic to the basic wheat protein. I sometimes hear "there wasn't enough dinner" to go around tonight... or I just got a small snack instead (cuz I got there too late).... But for the most part, by the time I pick them up at the end of their day -- or should I say the final pick up of the day (if they have appts that day).... They will have eaten 3 meals.
Ok back to my day....
While they are at school, IF I am having a good Fibromyalgia Day, I actually Wash Dishes to put into the Dishwasher -- After I unload them -- See below as to why....
Do what one of my friends calls the "Doggy -go- around" 5-20 times any given morning til evening being home alone with the wonderful friendly dog of ours!
Run Errands, plan meals - and maybe even cook them...
Take child or children to appts... and be Dan's Secretary for all his medical appts, outside of work phone calls, and anything that may not be work related he asks me to do..
Shara wants me to hang out with her, when it is her days off... and I try to work a "me time ~ 2-3 hours~" into my week at least once or twice a week -- or else we have a very, very, scary, witchy, monster who comes to live in this house, and no one wants to know her... including myself!
Their School day is longer than most school days.... Their school day on average is longer, but also they have after school activities (including Cheer for Alex) that go till 6p or 6:30p!
I then have to go and pick them up, take the girls to their mom's house... usually we then go to our home... Unless it is Scouts, Spend time with Uncle night or therapy night... although I do admit some of the therapies are here at home.. just sadly not all of them. (reminder it is 20-30 min *Each* direction... so this takes me almost an hour or more*
so at 7p.m. Most the time I am telling my child ~~ remember this is my Asperger's/Autism child...~~
Go get out of your uniform. Dan then is grousing that he is still in his school pants... because he doesn't have any sweats or other pants that currently don't look like capri's on him.... As he has grown a good 2-4 inches since last May when we were last in school!! -- Yes that is 2 sizes in height (or maybe more!)
Anyhow... from there, He takes 5-20 min to find a snack, wind down, and get into home mode IF we don't have activities or therapies. From there, if I am lucky... He is able to put up a load of dishes for me. Maybe if I am lucky a load of trash (of the 3 or 5 over flowing trash cans and recycle bins he is responsible that has been falling on me due to his schedule...) As I am trying to get dinner made for the rest of the household... (then make my own dinner too) And since we have one of those wonderfully fun activities (and therapies etc) each evening... they start at 7p.m. and run til 8p.m. Seth is then showering, and night time routine to be in bed, if we are lucky by 8:30... but most often 8:45p.
To start this process all over again the next day....
Doesn't this get exhausting just reading about it... Come "Experience" it for a day...
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