Dan takes the kids to school on his way to work (being within 5 miles of the school) although he has to get to work earlier than scheduled. (getting them by 7:30a)
We found out at Parent Orientation, The kids are offered 1. 3 meals a day FREE IF they come early enough for Breakfast & stay for After School Program which allows for electives/clubs that they didn't have during the school day. One child chose Cheerleading (which goes til 6:30p each day M-F and Games on Sat. (Either at 8a, 10a, or 12N)
The eldest chose Art Club which alternates with Year Book and News Paper (club). Son chose Chess Club, Music and Year Book & Newspaper (he alternates Music and Yearbook for one each week) because he wants to write a Newspaper article about the Chess Club and Chess Moves. They get done at 6:00p.
Sooo Lilly (our Dog) has been *begging* to "GO" when ever a door is open in the car, and she is near it enough to jump in... so last Monday I took her to School in the afternoon to pick up the kids. -- Here is 2 kids waiting for the 3rd to get out of Cheerleading...
This happened to be the day my car broke down on the way home. (It seems to have been a Battery issue - on a Hybrid that isn't a good thing)... It got me to the Girls' mom's appt, then I had to get it to turn off, then it got me 1/2 way home... then had to turn it off, and on again... Then a block and a half from home, it had to be shut down again.. and then restarted... And finally -- Success at getting home. We were thinking it was an overheating issue, but Dan did some research and found out it was the small (cheaper) Battery that starts the car and keeps it running sorta like when an alternator goes out...
I was without the car all week. I used Jennifer's Car which got me to and from, but she doesn't have air conditioning right now.. and we have still been running 95*F with 30-82% humidity (For us is WAY HIGH humidity!!) So I asked Dan on Fri eve if he felt the car was "Fixed" (still thinking it was an overheating issue)... He said, go ahead and take it... I took it... 2 girls came with us.... Cheerlearder pukes all over herself and the car on the way on our errand. We go to Walmart to get cleaning supplies (cuz we are 20 min from home on another side of town). Get it cleaned up... Finish our errand in like 2 min. to get Jennifer home for work. On the bridge across the river (3 lanes each direction, no shoulders), the car starts giving me warnings -- and thankfully made it across the river... but at the major intersection dies 10 feet from the light. I do all I gotta do to turn it off and get it started.. it gets me another 3 miles and dies again. We call Dan, as he has just text'd us he is concerned about Jen getting to work... He doesn't answer -- He forgot to turn on his ringer after work UGH!! Anyhow, takes us 1.5 hrs to get home -- the normal 20 min drive.
Cheerleader has Game on Sat Morning at 8a -- being told she wouldn't cheer, but it was mandatory she was there to support the team. Son has to be at Scout Eagle Project at 8a... and I have to wait for Jen to get off the night shift, to get home so we can drive across town (back to the other side of town we were at for the barf)... We are 20 min late... I explain to the Cheer Coach what happened.. She then blessed us with allowing Daughter to cheer because only 5 (including Daughter) showed up (this is the Jr V Team). From there, we find lunch, and then go check out the Game/Comic Store we had been dealing with on Friday (errands and all).. but hadnt gotten much chance to look around, and kids hadn't been there.
From there, I came home and CRASHED -- I slept through 6 phone calls, about 5 texts, and child coming in to check on me-- cuz I usually at least text on her hourly if they are "resting" / in the front room without my supervision. ....
Anyhow, that's the *summary* of the stress - but didn't include the weekly "normal" therapy appts. LOL
And even through all this -- I am cooking healthy meals, low fat, low carb... and diabetic Friendly.... Dan is getting his Sugar Levels under control, and is using Protein powder drinks to help keep his sugar levels under control (as snacks)
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