Wednesday, August 28, 2013

School Week 3 (a look from Tuesday!)

SETH  Tues Speech Therapy in a.m. 
            BSA Troop has Court of Honor and Advancement Ceremonies.
            Wed: Impromptu Orthodontist Appt Due to Bracket Broken off of a Tooth  - OT will be here in Eve,  Behavioral Therapy may also be here ?!?! Not sure he has gotten my messages as he has been on vacation.)
FAITH :  Tues is a Dr Appt  
             Wed she gets her braces the rest of the way (Her Mom taking her, I get to deal with Seth's ortho appts shortly there after)

SETH out for counseling 1st per.

Alex - Cheer Game 

So, We are sorta Settling into a "Routine."  But this routine is not like the typical households morning and evening routine.  Most families get the honor of seeing their children a touch more... and maybe even getting them to do a Chore or two before bed.... 

Well, in this house, I am lucky if Mondays and Fridays (and a fraction of the weekends)  I get to see them, let alone get them to do a chore!

Now I have to say the above schedule is for 3 of the 4 children.   Amber, my youngest isn't at the same school as the 3 Older Kids.... My 3 older kids go to a Charter School.  -- A Charter School is a School that is still paid for by the State's Funds, is still a "Public School"  but the ask the State if they can teach under "These goals" instead of mass education of students in a neighborhood Public School.  They all have the same "Core standards" that any other school has... They have the same Standardized testing that every other school has... and also have to receive a grade from the State just like every neighborhood school around the Nation (USA).  Actually, Our Charter School actually Tests our kids more~ but they have a goal in mind when they do ~ they actually use it for in classroom use to make sure the kids are learning and progressing properly.  IF they feel they are not, the principle and staff go over with the Teacher and then the student to see where the progress can be made.    This School has very little homework... It is mainly done in class unless for some reason you are totally dallying that day... and then you bring home homework from not completed classwork.  Once in a while in my Son's planner I see  "Bring an article to class"  or "remember your reading book"  But most the time I just see: "No Homework". 

Anyhow, my day goes something like this: 6:15a UP and pulling kid out of bed to go to school.... (Remember it is just the boy child... I only have the honor of 1/2 parenting the other 3)....  "Threats of seeing my 12 yr old boy naked... and ice cubes to get the child dressed quickly this morning! But this mean mommy would follow through!"  Was my Facebook Status today.... YEP I am mean enough to follow through, and if I don't Dan will!  By 6:45 Dan and Seth are out the door to get the 2 girls... Remember the 4th child is also at Mom's house, and is soon to be walking to school.   

Our Charter School feeds the kids Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner!! Yep you read right all 3 meals.  Also they make a modified meal for Seth - my Wheat Allergy Child.  He is not allergic to Gluten, he is just allergic to the basic wheat protein.   I sometimes hear "there wasn't enough dinner" to go around tonight... or I just got a small snack instead (cuz I got there too late)....  But for the most part, by the time I pick them up at the end of their day -- or should I say the final pick up of the day (if they have appts that day).... They will have eaten 3 meals.    

Ok back to my day.... 
While they are at school, IF I am having a good Fibromyalgia  Day, I actually Wash Dishes to put into the Dishwasher -- After I unload them -- See below as to why.... 
Do what one of my friends calls the "Doggy -go- around" 5-20 times any given morning til evening being home alone with the wonderful friendly dog of ours!

Run Errands, plan meals - and maybe even cook them...   
Take child or children to appts... and be Dan's Secretary for all his medical appts, outside of work phone calls, and anything that may not be work related he asks me to do.. 
Shara wants me to hang out with her, when it is her days off... and I try to work a "me time ~ 2-3 hours~" into my week at least once or twice a week -- or else we have a very, very, scary, witchy, monster who comes to live in this house, and no one wants to know her... including myself!

 Their School day is longer than most school days.... Their school day on average is longer, but also they have after school activities (including Cheer for Alex) that go till 6p or 6:30p!  

I then have to go and pick them up, take the girls to their mom's house... usually we then go to our home... Unless it is Scouts, Spend time with Uncle night or therapy night... although I do admit some of the therapies are here at home.. just sadly not all of them. (reminder it is 20-30 min *Each* direction... so this takes me almost an hour or more*

so at 7p.m.  Most the time I am telling my child ~~  remember this is my Asperger's/Autism child...~~

Go get out of your uniform.  Dan then is grousing that he is still in his school pants... because he doesn't have any sweats or other pants that currently don't look like capri's on him.... As he has grown a good 2-4 inches since last May when we were last in school!!  -- Yes that is 2 sizes in height (or maybe more!)

Anyhow... from there, He takes 5-20 min to find a snack, wind down, and get into home mode IF we don't have activities or therapies.   From there, if I am lucky... He is able to put up a load of dishes for me.   Maybe if I am lucky a load of trash (of the 3 or 5 over flowing trash cans and recycle bins he is responsible that has been falling on me due to his schedule...)  As I am trying to get dinner made for the rest of the household... (then make my own dinner too)  And since we have one of those wonderfully fun activities (and therapies etc) each evening... they start at 7p.m. and run til 8p.m.  Seth is then showering, and night time routine  to be in bed, if we are lucky by 8:30... but most often 8:45p. 

To start this process all over again the next day.... 

Doesn't this get exhausting just reading about it...   Come "Experience" it for a day... 

Scouts Honor!

So, if you didn't think our life wasn't crazy enough....

 I am starting a new roll as ~Advancement Coordinator~    Which is a Volunteer Position in my Son's Scout Troop.  

Summary from Unit Advancement Chair Wiki:


  • Encourage Scouts to advance in rank.
  • Works with troop Scribe to maintain all Scout advancement records.
  • Arranges troop boards of review and quarterly courts of honor. (Varsity Scout team boards of reviews are conducted by the youth team secretary and courts of honor are conducted by the youth Captain.
    • (The"arranges Troop Boards of Review" is done by another person in our Troop)
  • Develop and maintain a merit badge counselor list.  
    • (I will help with this just in the list part not anything else related to it, but we have a Merit Badge Coordinator too)
  • Make a prompt report on the correct form to the council service center when a troop/team board of review is held. Secure badges and certificates.
  • Work with the troop/team librarian to build and maintain a troop/team library of merit badge pamphlets and other advancement literature.
  • Report to the troop/team committee each month.

Easy Huh?!??!  I hope ~ But I doubt it.  I will keep you informed how it goes.. 

School started Aug 12th! (Yep and this is a Summary of the last 2 weeks!!)

Soo, the positives this year is we enrolled our kids in a Charter School approx 20-30 min away. Depending on Traffic. 

Dan takes the kids to school on his way to work (being within 5 miles of the school) although he has to get to work earlier than scheduled. (getting them by 7:30a) 

We found out at Parent Orientation, The kids are offered 1. 3 meals a day FREE IF they come early enough for Breakfast & stay for After School Program which allows for electives/clubs that they didn't have during the school day. One child chose Cheerleading (which goes til 6:30p each day M-F and Games on Sat. (Either at 8a, 10a, or 12N) 


The eldest chose Art Club which alternates with Year Book and News Paper (club). Son chose Chess Club, Music and Year Book & Newspaper (he alternates Music and Yearbook for one each week) because he wants to write a Newspaper article about the Chess Club and Chess Moves. They get done at 6:00p. 

Sooo Lilly (our Dog) has been *begging* to "GO" when ever a door is open in the car, and she is near it enough to jump in... so last Monday I took her to School in the afternoon to pick up the kids. -- Here is 2 kids waiting for the 3rd to get out of Cheerleading... 


This happened to be the day my car broke down on the way home. (It seems to have been a Battery issue - on a Hybrid that isn't a good thing)... It got me to the Girls' mom's appt, then I had to get it to turn off, then it got me 1/2 way home... then had to turn it off, and on again... Then a block and a half from home, it had to be shut down again.. and then restarted... And finally -- Success at getting home. We were thinking it was an overheating issue, but Dan did some research and found out it was the small (cheaper) Battery that starts the car and keeps it running sorta like when an alternator goes out... 

I was without the car all week. I used Jennifer's Car which got me to and from, but she doesn't have air conditioning right now.. and we have still been running 95*F with 30-82% humidity (For us is WAY HIGH humidity!!) So I asked Dan on Fri eve if he felt the car was "Fixed" (still thinking it was an overheating issue)... He said, go ahead and take it... I took it... 2 girls came with us.... Cheerlearder pukes all over herself and the car on the way on our errand. We go to Walmart to get cleaning supplies (cuz we are 20 min from home on another side of town). Get it cleaned up... Finish our errand in like 2 min. to get Jennifer home for work. On the bridge across the river (3 lanes each direction, no shoulders), the car starts giving me warnings -- and thankfully made it across the river... but at the major intersection dies 10 feet from the light. I do all I gotta do to turn it off and get it started.. it gets me another 3 miles and dies again. We call Dan, as he has just text'd us he is concerned about Jen getting to work... He doesn't answer -- He forgot to turn on his ringer after work UGH!! Anyhow, takes us 1.5 hrs to get home -- the normal 20 min drive. 

Cheerleader has Game on Sat Morning at 8a -- being told she wouldn't cheer, but it was mandatory she was there to support the team. Son has to be at Scout Eagle Project at 8a... and I have to wait for Jen to get off the night shift, to get home so we can drive across town (back to the other side of town we were at for the barf)... We are 20 min late... I explain to the Cheer Coach what happened.. She then blessed us with allowing Daughter to cheer because only 5 (including Daughter) showed up (this is the Jr V Team). From there, we find lunch, and then go check out the Game/Comic Store we had been dealing with on Friday (errands and all).. but hadnt gotten much chance to look around, and kids hadn't been there. 

From there, I came home and CRASHED -- I slept through 6 phone calls, about 5 texts, and child coming in to check on me-- cuz I usually at least text on her hourly if they are "resting" / in the front room without my supervision. ....

Anyhow, that's the *summary* of the stress - but didn't include the weekly "normal" therapy appts. LOL 
And even through all this -- I am cooking healthy meals, low fat, low carb... and diabetic Friendly.... Dan is getting his Sugar Levels under control, and is using Protein powder drinks to help keep his sugar levels under control (as snacks) 

Summer, where did it go?!?!

June: 1st week -Dan Graduated with his Masters in Counselling; 2 older Girls went to camp for a week. (I think that was my last major blog post). and 
1st & 2nd week: Son had Scouts, and Swim lessons for 2 weeks. He assisted on an Eagle Scout Project one weekend. Had his usual Counseling appt, and we added OT for Son and my girl friend went on vacation and I had to watch her kitty :) 

3rd week: Case Manager added. OT, Son Pack for Summer Camp (and mom buy all the things on the list that had to go...) and they left that Fri. (21st) 
4th -- Wooohoo!! Son at Camp!! I take my "week off from Girls" (just so we have one week without kids during the summer). My Mom came back through that week for her visit on her way home (For 3 days) I had Surgery on my hand to release a trigger finger on the 27th. And had to limit showers for 3 weeks (YUCK YUCK YUCK!!) Pick up the kid from Summer Camp on Sat the 29th. 

-- Add in there multiple visits for the Dentist and braces... 

1st Week: Braces, Follow up on Hand Surgery... 4th of July was quiet around here as usual, as Dan being a Veteran doesn't care for the fireworks, as they remind him of bomb blasts. 

2nd week & 3rd week -- began Chaos: We added to all my kids' schedule, AIT (Audio Integration Therapy/Training) which was 2 weeks straight M-F ~2 - 30 min appts at least 3 hrs apart. Swim lessons for Son (Girls had swim team, but their mom and step dad took them to that thankfully!) Dentist appts. The standard Case Management, Counselling, and OT, and Met the NEW Therapist for Behavioral Therapy.... 
Then we left on the Scout Family Campout on the 19th to the 21st. -- Notice I said "WE" yes, Seth and I both went on the campout. Had fun, but wasn't too rested due to no cpap/electricity. 

4th week: The standard Schedule of Counselling, OT, Casemangement, Scout meeting, and more Swim lessons. 

5th/1st week: Counselling, OT, Braces, Swim lessons, Scouts, And I helped a Teacher Friend of mine decorate his classroom door. 


2nd week: Had a Massage with Lacy- who's Boyfriend had to go out of town (one who took me on vacation last fall). Behavioral Health, Parent Orientation - for Charter School. Babysat Lacy's Apt. For the Phone company to come while she is work. Seth has SLP Eval (and qualifies for Therapy -- YES I am CRAZY I ADDED another weekly appt to my schedule!!!) Along with OT, Counseling, Case management and Scouts. 

My other "Perk" is we hired a Maid to start coming to our house 2x a month. -- This was awesome to have clean floors etc.... The next day - Room mate decided to start going through her stuff and brought box by box into the house from the garage -- and we had chaos in our front room for 2 weeks while she decided what needed to be sold, ebayed, craigslist etc. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Krafts from the Krazy Zone of Kaos

I am creating 2 blogs in one... but on 2 URLs....

Krafts from the Krazy Zone of Kaos  is a sight with basic Kraft ideas, and awesome ways to tie up my time... in those "Free" moments when I decide I am going to fit the Kaos of Krafting into my life.

So Join me there, along with the Kaos of 4 kids, and all the excitement that we can find.

Text the Case Manager....

I have on my calender today, that we are to meet with the case manager at 3:30. At 2p.m. the Speech Pathologist calls wondering where we are, and why we are missing our appt. So I tell her I will be there as soon as possible, if she has time in her schedule to allow the change due to me over napping. (Side note: The kids Seth and Alex were both napping too.)

So as I am about to back out of the driveway, I message the Case Manager "Running late, and over slept.  Will be at SLP. Meet us there."

He calls me and says...  "I know you have a very full schedule, but we don't have an appt for today.  We have an appt for next week. You are doing the best you can juggling all these appts."  Which is honestly true..  I do a very good job, of making sure Seth stays on schedule, but I admit, it was nice to have someone else say .... I know you have so much on your plate, your Chaos is warranted!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


You see, I have 4 kids. 3 of them are actually Dan's by Birth, and mine by heart. Seth, is mine by birth -- and thereby my heart too. You see, in my life, I have lots of hats. I don't "wear" many hats out and about, but I have many roles that I am part of. Seth is Autistic/ Asperger's Syndrome The Girls all have Mental Health issues, and are always facing a challenge, one way or another. Myself, I have a Variety of disorders, and am medically challenged -- Asthma, Hypertension, High cholesterol, Poly-Cystic Kidney, Sleep Apnea, Fibromyalgia, Neck and Spine issues... And Yes, I am Obese-- I am working on it, but it is very slow going. As I type each title of my hat... You will realize I am these things for the girls too, just not 24/7 as I am for Seth... as I have custody of Seth 24/7. I am Seth's Taxi I am Seth's Maid I am Seth's Personal Assistant I am Seth's Counselor I am Seth's Voice (at times, cuz he doesn't want to speak with strangers) I am Seth's Mom I am Seth's Pharmacy I am Seth's Dental Hygentist - when Braces brackets are lose or he needs a flossing. I am Seth's Cook -- as he is Wheat Free and often needs someone to make him something different from everyone else. I am Seth's Financial Advisor I am Seth's Case Manager / Contact person I am Seth's Behavioral Therapy Personnel outside of the professional being here I am Seth's Occupational Therapist -- in that he has exercises he needs to do daily I am Seth's Scout Advancement Coordinator -- Along with Troop 1 I am Seth's Grub Master For all camp outs. I am his Therapist -- depending on which therapy he needs to practice or get to. And I love every minute of it!! On top of all these job titles -- I make my own Laundry Soap, Dish washing Soap, Trying my hand at Hand-making my own homemade Goat Milk Soap. I Bead, I craft, I design, and I work on keeping this household of Chaos moving in a positive direction. .... It may not seem like I have enough hours in a day... and I probably don't. I have days when I rarely sleep, and there are days I sleep 12-15 hrs. It all averages out I believe!